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Year 1

Friday 28th June

This week Year 1 have been on lots of adventures around the school. In English, the children discovered a crime scene and had to work out the clues to crack the code to find out what had happened. 

Science Day also took place which involved the children investigating  whether insects prefer sun or shade, and if more flowers grow in the sun or shade. 

Geography took the children outside with their learning too. They had to follow a map of the school ground and find specific places. 

Friday 21st June

This week the children completed their assessment papers. We are all proud of their resilience and effort.

Also this week, the children have started to look at the value of coins in Maths and explored new vocabulary in English. In Science the children recapped the seasons of the year.

We also had our annual Sports Day which the children loved participating in and cheering each other on.

Year 1

Friday 28th June

This week Year 1 have been on lots of adventures around the school. In English, the children discovered a crime scene and had to work out the clues to crack the code to find out what had happened. 

Science Day also took place which involved the children investigating  whether insects prefer sun or shade, and if more flowers grow in the sun or shade. 

Geography took the children outside with their learning too. They had to follow a map of the school ground and find specific places. 

Year 1

Friday 21st June

This week the children completed their assessment papers. We are all proud of their resilience and effort.

Also this week, the children have started to look at the value of coins in Maths and explored new vocabulary in English. In Science the children recapped the seasons of the year.

We also had our annual Sports Day which the children loved participating in and cheering each other on.

Friday 14th June

This week was the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. All the teachers and learning support assistants are very proud of the children for working extremely hard and trying their best.

Also this week, the children have written an independent recount in English, compared numbers up to 100 in Maths, and in Geography they have been learning about maps and the different symbols they might see. In P.E, they have been preparing for our up and coming sports day by practising some of the activities and in racket sport, they have progressed from bean bags to tennis balls. 

Friday 3rd June

The children had a great start back after the half term break. This week they have learnt how to innovate a recount, they have been working on place value to 100 in maths, in P.E they are learning racket skills, and on Thursday they took part in the school's sponsored walk.  

Friday 24th May

This week, the children have enjoyed completing their units of learning for this half term's theme 'To Infinity and Beyond!'.  Particular highlights have been completing different balances and rountines in gymnastics and finishing their moving pictures in D&T.  

Friday 17th May

This week, the children took part in 'Art Week'.  As part of this, they created different pieces of art based around a theme.  These included:

  • Making art out of natural resources in Forest School;
  • Creating a watercolour painting linked to our focus text, 'Lost and Found'
  • Painting pebbles (this also linked to an Agents of Change project)

The children really enoyed creating these pieces.  The children expecially enjoyed placing the pebbles in the local area of our wider community to enjoy.

Friday 10th May

This week, the children visited Lakelands Primary School for a Sports Festival.  The children were split into 8 different groups and took part in lots of different activities.  They had a wonderful time and we are very proud of how hard they tried.  Well done Year 1!

Friday 3rd May

We have had such an exciting week this week!  The children had a chance to experience a planatarium as we had an astrodome visit us in school.  They loved learning about different constellations and developing their knowledge of the solar system.

In English, the children have been innovating their journey tales based on the story 'Lost and Found'.  We are so impressed with their writing stamina and the presentation of their learning.

In Maths, they have finished their learning on multiplication and division.  We are so proud of their achievements.

The children were able to make s'mores in Forest School this week!  They all enjoyed sitting around the fire and everyone followed the fire safety rules. Next week, they will have the opportunity to make different objects out of clay.

Friday 26th April

We have had such a fun week!

In maths, the children have been learning how to multiply using 'groups of' different objects.  In Talk 4 Writing, they have been practising using the different tools from our focus text, 'Lost and Found'.  In Forest School this week, the most popular activities were: building dens, diggining in the mud and making stick people.  

On Friday, the children took part in a 'mini marathon' as part of a whole-school 'Agents of Change' probject.  The children loved doing this alongside their buddy from paired reading.

Friday 22nd April 2024

This week, the children had their first Forest School sessions.  They learnt all about the different activity areas and the rules to keep them safe.  All activities are child-led and the children's top 3 activities were: hammock time, den building and tree climbing!  We are already looking forward to next week's session!

Friday 28th March 2024

We have reached the end of our Spring term! We have learnt so many new things; we have learnt sewing skills, all about the UK, Jewish Shabbat traditions, parts of plants and much more! We have written our own instructions, weighed objects using the scales and measured using rulers. In amongst our learning, we have still had opportunities to participate in COOL time.

We were lucky enough to have had SCS coaches teach our P.E lessons this half term. They taught us balances, jumps and rolls!

Happy Easter!

Friday 22nd March 2024

We have had a great week! We have been measuring objects using rulers and multilinks cubes. We have also been comparing them. In English, we have planned our insturction text for either a tiorse, dangleblip or a razorbeak. In our gymnastics lesson, we focused on different types of rolls. Two of our favourite rolls were the pencil roll and the egg roll. 

Friday 15th March 2024

This week, we have been writing our instructions on how to wash a Neox. We have enjoyed using prepositions and adverbs! In Maths, we explored ordering and comparing numbers to 50. In Geography, we have been looking at countries of the UK and their capital cities. We also wore funky socks to school on Wednesday in aid of Young Carers Day.

Friday 8th March 2024

Another fabuous week! We did some work on our instruction text in English, numbers to 50 in Maths and lots of Topic subjects. The highlight of our week was most certainly World Book Day! It was so fun to see everyone dressed up as book characters!

Friday 1st March 2024


What a great start back to school we've had! We've identified the Tens and Ones in mubers up to 50 in Maths and impressed our teachers. We had our very first Science day in which we explored how wheel size affected the distance a car travelled off a ramp. Some of us enjoyed it so much that we replicated it during our COOL time with various materials!

We were introduced to our new instructional text in English called How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth. To introduce us to the text, we had trays of soapy water, towels and animals. We had to follow instructions to wash the animal e.g. gently scrub behind the ears. Perhaps you could ask us to show you our amazing washing skills with the dishes!

Friday February 16 2024

This week, the children planned and wrote their story in English. In maths, they have started subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number practically. They then moved on to subtraction on a number line bridging 10.

During our computer topic, the classes have learnt how to collect and record data and then transfer this to a graph using the ipad. In PSHE, the children have been discussing what the differences between what a  'surprise' and a 'secret' is. Some class also had the priviliege of going to do some gardening with Mrs Spademan. 

Friday February 9 2024

This week, the children have been solving addition sentences in Maths. They have looked at adding a one-digit number and a teen number together as well as adding two one-digit numbers together that bridge 10. The children have used a number of different methods to help them practically solve this including tens frames and base 10. They were then able to use a number line to solve these sums in a more abstract way.  

In English, the children have been learnt a five sentence story about a boy who builds a rocket and goes into space. They will then use what they have learnt this week to create their own five sentence story next week. 

Friday February 2 2024

In English this week, the children planned and have begun writing their own narrative on Paddington visiting Candy Land. Within their stories the children have focused on the setting description and what Paddington might come across whilst discovering the land including what he might see, hear and smell.

This week in maths, the children have moved on to addition of a two-digit and one-digit number up to 20. Throughout the week, the children have been able to explore different methods to help them solve addition sums both practically and pictorially. 

In outdoor P.E., the children have continued to develop their football skills with focus on dribbling a ball, whilst during science the children took part in a treasure hunt to learn more about their five senses - see, hear, smell, taste, touch. 

Friday February 2 2024

In English this week, the children planned and have begun writing their own narrative on Paddington visiting Candy Land. Within their stories the children have focused on the setting description and what Paddington might come across whilst discovering the land including what he might see, hear and smell.

This week in maths, the children have moved on to addition of a two-digit and one-digit number up to 20. Throughout the week, the children have been able to explore different methods to help them solve addition sums both practically and pictorially. 

In outdoor P.E., the children have continued to develop their football skills with focus on dribbling a ball, whilst during science the children took part in a treasure hunt to learn more about their five senses - see, hear, smell, taste, touch. 

Friday January 26 2024

Wednesday was an amazing day as we had our History Off the Page day where the children learnt all about Queen Elizabeth II coronation day. During the morning, the children had the opportunity to make coronation day artefacts including writing a coronation day invitation, decorating mugs, flags and bunting, as well as making the Queen's beasts out of clay. In the afternoon, the children re-enacted the Queen's coronation and groups of children performed a range of acts for the Queen during our street party.

Also this week, Juniper class has started to learn how to thread a needle and secure it by tying a knot and Cherry class have been experimenting with colours and transferring techniques as part of art.

Friday January 19 2024

This week, Year 1 have been continuing to look at different ways to partition a teen number using a place value chart and a part-part whole model. The children were successful in partitioning practically and pictorially.

In English, we have been exploring the tools needed to write a settings description as part of our Paddington unit. Throughout the week, there has been lots of discussion and practise with how to write sentences that feature adjectives, prepositions and time of day. 

During indoor P.E., the children have been continuing to learn invasion games whilst in history the children have been looking at different members of the royal family.

Friday January 12 2024

Year 1 have had lots of fun learning this week but they were especially excited on Wednesday when they got to make marmalade sandwiches as part of our English unit. The children were able to follow our instructions to create a  delicious sandwich just as good as Paddington Bears. This was our English hook as over the next weeks the children will be using a story on Paddington to innovate their writing and create a similar narrative. 

Also this week, the children have been learning different ways to make 20 and how to partition numbers from 11 to 20 using base 10. In outdoor P.E. the children have started their football skills unit and Cherry have started their art unit with Miss Fisher. 


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