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Welcome to Year 4!


Friday 13th September 2024

Year 4 have enjoyed learning about a range of subjects this week, including their first lesson of gymnastics. During PE, they explored how to safely use the climbing ropes, wall bars, vaulting box with springboard and bench with agility tables. In computing, they have begun to explore the coding program Scratch to move a character around the screen. In RE they have discussed personal and religious sources of authority. English lessons involved the children learning a new story 'The Canal', learning to retell it off by heart using a story map and actions. In maths, they have learnt to partition numbers using their knowledge of place value. For example, knowing that 3489 = 3000+400+80+9.

Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to the Year 4! This year we have so many exciting events, trips and activities to look forward to. The children have begun year 4 learning about the continent of Oceania, particularly focussing on Australia and New Zealand. They have identified key landmarks, cities and territories on a map of Australia, created Aboriginal inspired dot paintings and used printing with a tile and paint to create a painting of an australian animal. In Damson class, we also enjoyed creating masks and performing a Haka dance. 

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